Coursework Results Processor 2013/14S2
The link below will allow you to download or run a set of Excel macros designed to process raw coursework marks to conform them to the University template for 2013/2014…
MAT210 Exam Review
Download these questions to help in your preparation for the exam. Remember: These are simply typical exam questions; they are NOT the questions that will appear on the exam. Therefore,…
PH209 Exam Review Questions
Fluid Mechanics Review Questions Heat Transfer Review Questions Powder Processing Review Questions
UE Preparation: ANOVA / Tukey HSD
In advance of our Friday session, please work on the following problem. There are multiple ways to approach the problem: By hand (not recommended) With a spreadsheet (recommended) Remember that…
MAT210 Workshop July 8 & 9
In this workshop we will work on the solution to the shortest path problem assigned a few weeks ago. The purpose of the assignment was to demonstrate: That there are…
PH209 Heat Transfer Solutions
Set 1: Effects of Fouling Set 2: General Problems
MAT113 Maxima Exercises
Click on the following links to download three different Maxima exercises to be completed before examinations begin General Exercise Matrix Exercise ODE Solving Exercise
MAT210 Lesson 25-27: Solving ODEs
Three lessons on numerical solutions to ODEs are here: Euler: Lecture Slide for viewing (direct download here) Runge-Kutta: Lecture Slides for viewing (direct download here) Finite Difference: Lecture Slide for…
Confidence Intervals clarified
Confidence intervals are very important in estimation and hypothesis testing, but understanding what they are and how to calculate them can be difficult. Part of the difficulty is in sorting…