MAT210 Workshop July 8 & 9
In this workshop we will work on the solution to the shortest path problem assigned a few weeks ago. The purpose of the assignment was to demonstrate: That there are…
MAT113 Maxima Exercises
Click on the following links to download three different Maxima exercises to be completed before examinations begin General Exercise Matrix Exercise ODE Solving Exercise
MAT210 Lesson 25-27: Solving ODEs
Three lessons on numerical solutions to ODEs are here: Euler: Lecture Slide for viewing (direct download here) Runge-Kutta: Lecture Slides for viewing (direct download here) Finite Difference: Lecture Slide for…
MAT210 Lesson 21&22: Integration
Lecture slides for numerical integration may be found at the links below Introduction: Trapezoid and Simpson's 1/3 Rules Romberg Integration using Richardon's Extrapolation These are based on the Integration sections…
MAT210 Lesson 19 & 20: Regression
From Kaw: What is regression analysis? "Regression analysis gives information on the relationship between a response (dependent) variable and one or more (predictor) independent variables to the extent that information…
MAT210 Test #1 Answers & Interpolation Problem
It was clear on questions #1 and #6 that most of the class crammed, memorizing answers and not even reading the questions thoroughly. For a soft copy of the answers…
Statistical Distribution Resources
A simple set of statistical tables with Normal Distribution, t Test, F Test and Chi-squared Distribution is available to download here. Also, the author of our test, David Lane, has…
MAT210 Lesson 18: Splines I
For some functions, a single polynomial is not a good fit, especially if there are different shapes in different regions. An alternative approach is to use piecewise polynomial interpolation ,…
MAT210 Lesson 17: Lagrangian Interpolation
Along with the two other single polynomial interpolation method, Direct and Newton's Divided Difference, there is a 3rd way, which is based on a weighted average of the function values…
MAT210 Lesson 16: Newton’s Divided Difference
An alternative way to find a polynomial approximation of a function is something of a mix of using the Taylor Series and numerical differentiation. Newton's Divided Difference method results in…