MAT210 Exam Review
Download these questions to help in your preparation for the exam. Remember: These are simply typical exam questions; they are NOT the questions that will appear on the exam. Therefore,…
MAT210 Workshop July 8 & 9
In this workshop we will work on the solution to the shortest path problem assigned a few weeks ago. The purpose of the assignment was to demonstrate: That there are…
MAT210 Lesson 25-27: Solving ODEs
Three lessons on numerical solutions to ODEs are here: Euler: Lecture Slide for viewing (direct download here) Runge-Kutta: Lecture Slides for viewing (direct download here) Finite Difference: Lecture Slide for…
MAT210 Lesson 21&22: Integration
Lecture slides for numerical integration may be found at the links below Introduction: Trapezoid and Simpson's 1/3 Rules Romberg Integration using Richardon's Extrapolation These are based on the Integration sections…
MAT210 Workshop June 24 & 25
In this workshop, we will use GnuPlot and a spreadsheet to do linear regression and look at some of the analysis parameters. To run GnuPlot on the web open …